Parisian girl who lives in the Caribbeans with new york city dreams!!


dimanche 28 septembre 2008

nyc countdown!

since' i'm suppose'!!!
(i'm not so sure since i'm sick and the doctors don't know what's happenning to me??!!)
to go to nyc this week end, i wanted to show you what my last trip to nyc was like !!
all of that in picture of course!!
all this week i'm going to post picture of this trip!!!(to share all the good memories i had)
comme je suis supposer partir pour new york ce dimance( pas si sure que je parte puisque je suis malade et que les docteurs ne savent pas ce que j ai!!!)
je voulais vous montrez mes dernieres vacances a new york et las vegas!! ( pour me faire rever 1 peu!!)
cette semaine je vais vous faire partager mes souvenirs!!!

the clothes? :the 'madonna dress'
u've seen it before on me , it's one of my favorite piece and i wore it in nyc with a leather jacket to be ROCK'N'ROLL and in vegas with the big hair to be GLAMOROUS
@ top roof on 5th and 28th ( it's a club with an amazing wiew of manhattan !!!)
i simply love this place
this in VEGAS by the CEASAR PALACE fountains!!!
@jet getting my party on!!!!
my beautyfull cuz!!!! with the 80's headband

feeling rocky?

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1 commentaire:

Trendy Gourmandise a dit…

les chaussures blanche sont "amazing" !!!!

les meches blondes te vont hyper bien !!!!