Parisian girl who lives in the Caribbeans with new york city dreams!!


samedi 17 octobre 2009

DIY keri hilson dress

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took a simple plain bustier
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then add gold dics that i stuck with clothing glueImage and video hosting by TinyPic

and this is what it looks like!!!
too bad the pictures wasn't showing how the lil' gold disc were shinning!!

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7 commentaires:


So you made this piece...NICE.......and why are you not following me HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? lol

Trendy Gourmandise a dit…

je trouve jamais les accessoires ici pour faire mes custo !

Aurélie a dit…

Trop sympa!! Ca change tout de suite un vêtement ;) Tu me donnes pleins d'idées, je vais essayer de customiser un peu mes fringues;) Ca donne trop bien

missDTM a dit…

love this DIY! it looks great on you!

kimee a dit…

love itt
how do u wash this then?


@trendy bah ecoute jsais pas trop toi t en angleterre oblige tu trouve ca!!! ya pas mieu ke chez eux car si j ai trouver dans mon trou des antilles ca doit etre faciles chez toi!!good luck poulette!!
@kimee wash it by hands

Maurice Montgomery a dit…

i didnt get it babe, im trying to interview you for my next issue. maybe even put you on the front cover.