Parisian girl who lives in the Caribbeans with new york city dreams!!


mardi 20 octobre 2009


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earrings done by me!!

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i really need to buy a new camera with more pixels to get quality pictures
resizing pictures, making them look fuzzy
can anyone advise me a good camera ?
but wait there's a catch ! it has to be small enough to fit in my purse when i go out!!!!

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3 commentaires:

Trendy Gourmandise a dit…

il nous faut un zoom pour les boucles d'oreilles !

missDTM a dit…

i'm having the same problem with my camera and am desperate to find a new one!!! great outfit!!!

Trendy Gourmandise a dit…

moi aussi je recherche un nouvel appareil photo alors si tu en trouve un de bien fais moi signe