Parisian girl who lives in the Caribbeans with new york city dreams!!


dimanche 7 décembre 2008

ebay buys!

those are the stuffs i ordered from ebay lately !!hopefully i'll get them all and that they come in good conditions and fits me!!!hopefully !! as much i as love to order from ebay you never know what you are going to "really get !!" its always a surprise ,it could be good or bad .... i will see!!celles ci sont les photos des affaires que j'ai acheté sur ebay! j 'espere que je vais tout recevoir et en pas "trop mauvaise " etat et surtout quelles m''iront!! avec ebay c 'est toujours la surprise , elle peut etre bonne ou mauvaise........ je verai bien !!!

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3 commentaires:

mc.lizzle xx a dit…

dayum baby you so sexy!!

Talisha a dit…

hope everything fits and arrives quickly! :)

Love the dress and the bag <3

Trendy Gourmandise a dit…

j'ai hate de voir !!!!!!