Parisian girl who lives in the Caribbeans with new york city dreams!!


vendredi 19 novembre 2010


last saturday i went to a club where TYGA ans PLEASURE P were in showcase
pleasure P killed it ,so after him everybody was waiting for TYGA to come up ,
but 5 am came still no tyga!!!!!
ugh...i wanted to leave this party form earlier but was sticking around just to see mista !!
when i finally decided to leave at 5.15 am cause i couldn't take it no more...
when for my coat the stepped out to look for a cab , guess who showed up?
TYGA is his CADILLAC !!! that must have been a jokes?? SO i took the stole picture you gonna see below! lol
that how my "TYGA's SHOWCASE" went down !lmao
but can't complain took dope pictures with my gurl NYIA!
she rocked my stuff LIKE THE ROCKSTAR THAT SHE IS !!
i loved it!

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1 commentaire:

Pink Stilettos a dit…

You are SWAGGED OUT! I love your style :) The first pic is my favorite your outfit and that clutch is da truth! Love it and I love those stilettos also...xoxo