Parisian girl who lives in the Caribbeans with new york city dreams!!


dimanche 15 mars 2009


i don't really know why but i never was a fan of yellow , it's too close to my skin color so i don't find it's standing out enough!! but i completely fell in love with this shirt , since then i'm really paying more attention to this color........ like this yellow dress i've tried i kinda like it but the shape wasn't flattering on at all so i had to leave it, hopefully i'll find more yellow items on my trip!
jacket ebay vintage
check shirt necessary clothing
belt necessary clothing

you can find that dress at necessary clothing on broadway

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1 commentaire:

Trendy Gourmandise a dit…

lol oui je suis sortie ce week end pour relacher la pression ! j'ai retrouvé mon ambiance west indies !

pour la tenue je prefere la version chemise ceinturé meme si la robe te vas tres bien aussi