Parisian girl who lives in the Caribbeans with new york city dreams!!


lundi 13 octobre 2008

patricia field!!

no need to introduce this store or "the woman" sex in the city stylist!!!
i just love her store to death !! if i was rich i would have bought every single piece in the store they have great selections of hot stuffs !!
plus besoin de presenter ce magasin ou le personnage!!
la fameuse styliste de" sex and the city" !!of course
j'adore trop ce magasin ; si j etais riche j acheterai tout !!
franchement les fringues et accessoires dechirent grave!!!

browery street is so cool!!!

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1 commentaire:

Mymou a dit…

is it her hair??( i am talking about U're friend) or did she wear a wig??
because if it is her hair I need to have the "mode d'emploi" of how she styled it like that??
pliiizzzzzz loool